“So this moment of complete suspension, an imperturbable calm, would be the most conducive time for the birth of consciousness (...) “ John Cage

In these work i’ve incorporated phenomena as refraction and reflection as a means of expanding the visual aspects of the piece. Illusion, impression, and understandment. Besides the touchable materials, I work with light and shadow and their effects. The reason I searched a resistant and transparent material through which I could express constant subjective themes of my personal research.

The raw material, in this work, is synthetic and affordable which is transformed into unique and enigmatic. It invites to look at, to touch, to unveil the variation of behaviours according to the light and visual angles. The intentional gap is created between the oroglas and the silver plates, to be filled with light, shadow, refraction, reflection and time. Suspension of the bubbles. Suspension of the acrylic glass above the polished silver base. Suspension of our certainties, breath.

Besides the movement of the bubbles that came to the surface, during the heating process, we also find the movement allowed by the articulations pieces. Everyone is convoked to find their own ways to wear those pieces of jewelry.


"Então, esse momento de completa suspensão, de uma calma imperturbável, seria a hora mais conducente para o nascimento da consciência (...)"

*trecho retirado do livro OTHER PEOPLE THINK John Cage, projeto de Alfredo Jaar, tradução Lucrécia Zappi publicado pela Ikrek edições.